“Umbria in Piedi” (Umbria back on its feet) is a social photography contest conceived to show that Umbria is once again ready to welcome visitors and tourists, and what is no longer there because of the earthquake will soon be there again: thus encouraging the renewal of this important sector.

Until 25 June, through Instagram, the popular social network, we can relate the beauty and excellence of Umbria, the land struck by earthquakes over recent months, but once again solidly back on its feet. In some small way, we can support the region by taking part in the first edition of the photography contest #Umbriainpiedi promoted by tuqui.it and PeekingAround.

How to participate The contest is open to all; to join all you have to do is snap a photo with Umbria as its subject (in one of its many forms: art, culture, food, nature) and the feet of the photographer, then share it with #Umbriainpiedi. To try to win, remember that in the judging special attention will be given to the originality of the photos presented, their consistency with the chosen theme and their expressive quality.

The best photos will be displayed in an area set aside for the purpose in the historic centre of Perugia beginning in mid-July.

For all information and complete regulations: tuqui.it and peekingaround.com.