Umbria, the green heart of Italy: Is there a better way to get to know this area than by walking it, step by step? Umbria is full of little treasures that the busy or distracted eye misses and so taking a walk to discover them is worthwhile.
If you actually decide to seize the opportunity to go for a slow tramp through the Umbrian territory, you’ll see how the shape of the landscape changes; you’ll notice the colours, the vegetation and, here and there, a tower, a small church or an old castle, precious appearances that will leave you surprised and enriched.
In Umbria you will find something for just about every pair of legs, from short walks almost entirely on the flat to long treks over rough ground.
But what does Lingua Libera Tutti have to do with trekking? Lingua Libera Tutti hopes to promote the Italian language and culture with a variety of offerings, and helping you to get to know the region, the natural environment and the landscape is part of its objectives. It has actually been proven that long-term memory can be stimulated when learning is associated with movement (a complete experience of learning) and emotions (Sunset over the lake, the sudden flowering of Spanish broom, the discovery of a small castle in the hills call up pure and intense emotions). Learning while going for a walk in the countryside is an excellent way to make that learning effective and durable.
If you could use advice on where to go or where to find information, we would be glad to offer you suggestions.
To keep up to date with all our initiatives, follow us on Facebook and visit our website.
A timely suggestion: The Associazione L’olivo e la Ginestra organizes walks through Umbria that we too join occasionally. If you like, we can get together at one of their scheduled meetings.