June is the ideal time for home improvements. Living spaces influence our moods and the absence of light contributes somewhat to a feeling of sadness. So, repainting the wall of a room can put us into a better mood just as a lovely colour combination helps to make us feel better. But even spending time outdoors is therapeutic and enjoying the sight of new plants and flowers, especially when arranged artistically, is a source of renewed energy.
Speaking of which, let’s remember the wonderful tradition of the infiorate umbre (floral decorations) that are back this year again both at Cannara and Spello: on 18 and 19 June, the streets will be covered once again with a variety of coloured petals forming a floral carpet in sacred and/or geometric designs along the path of the religious procession for Corpus Christi. Just imagine the sweet smell arising from the streets and lanes of the town … Irrisistible! The immediate thought is to take a few new little plants home for the balcony!
Also, let’s not forget that 5 June is World Environment Day, so why not spend some time that day learning more about green and ecological reform? Since it all has to go together …
And to become intoxicated with heavenly aromas, at Castelnuovo di Assisi there is the lavender festival, this year in its thirteenth edition. The lavender fields are open between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. and the blooms can be visited the entire week. The dates indicated are between 18/19 June and 25/26 June, with a finalappointment in July at Il lavandeto di Assisi.
As much lavender as we like then, to put into lovely sachets that we can place in the drawers, dressers and closets of our homes: an ideal household-environment improvement, in step with that consciousness of the seasonal rhythms so necessary to our spirits.