The Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, that from the immense living room of Corso Vannucci inspires the artistic and cultural life of the city of Perugia, will be 100 years old this year. It is celebrating this important milestone with a series of events that follow the 2018 seasons, keeping pace with events held in the city. For example, while Umbria Jazz was on, people could visit a lovely display in the Museum of the works of Guido Harari who immortalized the most important international musicians, many of whom had participated in a number of editions of the famous jazz festival.
In November, the month most suited to calm reflection, there will be two especially significant occasions to visit the Museum. The first, on 2 November, will see psychoanalyst Massimo Recalcati present his book interpreting the work of Alberto Burri (extraordinary artist born in Città di Castello and true master of the 20th Century) using the tools of psychoanalysis. Il grande cretto di Gibellina, a work photographed by Aurelio Amendola, is the subject treated in Recalcati’s book.
The second occasion involves two meetings in the Galleria, on 8 and 22 November, for two documentaries on art filmed by the great director Luciano Emmer: the subject of the first is Giotto while the second discusses Michelangelo, Picasso and Piranesi. This initiative takes place in collaboration with Cinema Postmodernissimo of Perugia, attentive as always  to distributing, along with other subject matter of interest in the area, initiatives that aesthetically support works of quality that are part of our recent or less recent history.