Learning a second grammatical structure means having a more flexible brain: if we were able to see inside the skull of someone studying another language, we would see millions of cells popping up like mushrooms, a real ferment of new synapses, and we would see brain circuits multiplying and intertwining. And this is why the brains of bilingual people grow, or rather, have more grey matter.
The human brain, in fact, has the ability to reshape and restructure itself at every life stage on the basis of stimuli it receives, and if a child’s brain is a sponge, it is also true that the adult brain is able to learn and to increase its cerebral mass at any age.
And here is the good news: it doesn’t matter whether the second language is learned as a child or as an adult. What counts is that this ability makes the brain larger and more active.
What advantages are there to having a brain with more grey matter? It is an important source of improved intellectual performance. A study observed a group of English-speaking individuals between the ages of 18 and 78 involved in a language course. After just one week, all of them scored higher on attention tests, especially the oldest students in the group.
The decrease of cognitive ability caused by aging happens more slowly in the bilingual brain. Alzheimer’s disease (if it happens) usually develops about four and a half years later on average and the probability of a full recovery of cerebral function after a stroke is doubled. No drug is as powerful!
We must admit, though, that trying to achieve fluency in a second language is difficult for adults. The first adult learning stage requires a strong commitment; but control and elucidation reach a certain level when they allow for efficacious and correct improvement. At this point along the way, adults have some advantage over the spontaneous and automatic learning of children. They can count on a rich basic vocabulary, use visual memorization with reading or writing and be methodical in their learning.
And there aren’t that many methods. From the traditional to the more innovative, once the learner’s learning style is discovered, the rest is child’s play.
Learning makes us more flexible, receptive, intelligent and young.
Lingua Libera Tutti can help you along the way with professionalism and creativity. Stay young with us!