Autumn is on its way: the air is cooler, the days are shorter and the colours of the landscape are changing. It is a marvelous time to be outdoors and to enjoy the spectacle of nature. Even one’s mind is more active and stimulated.
It is the ideal time to try out what proves to be our best-tested formula: Walk and Talk. Yes, actually walking and talking together is exactly what we are proposing: that you join us for a stroll with the scenery around us as our starting point, conversing in Italian as we enjoy unique vistas and the perfumes of the plants surrounding us.
One of studies of the Mark Plank Institute of Leipzig has scientifically shown that movement helps to learn a language better: the movement, the emotions and the immediacy of the direct experience work together to improve the learning of the language and to stimulate long-term memory. Movement is an excellent learning tool since it increases the supply of oxygen to the brain and makes the learner both more curious and receptive. Our own experience and our students confirm it!
During the autumn months, we offer at least two different excursions, the first of which is scheduled for Saturday, 23 September at Sant’Arcangelo (lago Trasimeno). We will take you to the magnificent parco della Marzolana for a trek of about 4 km, pausing along the way to talk about Italian and some of its peculiarities.
And just to be sure not to miss out on anything, it will be possible to end with an enjoyable aperitif at sunset overlooking the lake.