Our students

Our students range from four years old to 79, come from all over the world and want to learn Italian for many different reasons…


Nina and Thomas are two young Netherlanders who came across Lingua Libera Tutti in the summer of 2020 when they were on vacation in Umbria and wanted to have Italian lessons. Their goal is to live in Italy, perhaps to open a B&B, and so, when they returned home from their vacation, they wanted to continue with Italian lessons online. Every Monday morning we spend an hour together to study in depth some aspect of the Italian language, but especially to speak Italian. They have discovered the pleasure of learning more about the language by reading a book that is part of every lesson.

Hori is a young English teacher who lives in Ludus in Romania. She loves Italy and the Italian language and so, since September 2020, she has decided to try to learn our language with online lessons. Early mornings twice a week, H. is ready with enthusiasm and energy to do her best to learn and improve her knowledge of Italian. Since she is a teacher, the discussion of stimulating activities for learners is continuous. Hori, we’re looking forward to your arrival in Italy!

Stella and Marc are a Dutch couple who, after a number of international experiences, bought a lovely property at Montecastello Vibio, not far from Todi. They relocated and now are living permanently in Umbria. They work in tourist reception and also have free time to pursue their cultural interests that range from history to cinema, literature to politics or the visual arts. Italian lessons with them begin with Italian writers of their choice such as Pirandello, Bassani, Elsa Morante and Pavese. During the lockdown, they actually developed a keen interest in Dante: they read, studied thoroughly and commented in a personal way on no fewer than eleven cantos of the Inferno! Their appreciation of the environment is great, so being with them means enjoying their company in a beautiful place, really respectful of nature and humanly stimulating.

Louise is the very youngest student of Lingua Libera Tutti! She is in 3° media in Assisi and has made progress since July 2019 when, barely arrived in Umbria, she only knew how to say Ciao and Pizza. Following an intensive summer course, L. began to attend an Italian school. The initial challenges were enormous but her playful nature helped her to socialise with her classmates. Now L. is in 3° media and our afternoon lessons continue at the vacation property her parents manage. Apart from the student-teacher relationship, a special tie of friendship has developed with our mascot!

Johanne is a polyglot Canadian who has worked with languages her whole life as part of the editorial staff of the largest hydroelectric company in Québec. During her somewhat hippie days, she lived for quite some time in Spain and Mexico, then returned to live in Canada. When she retired, her love of languages led her to Perugia where she joined an advanced-level course at the Università per stranieri. Back in Montreal, she put aside studying to care for her grandchildren. But the appeal of Italian tempted her once more and during the lockdown she took it up again with online lessons, discovering many Italian authors from Avallone to Cognetti, Svevo, Sciascia and Calvino as a firm supporter of her own continuing education.


Our students come from…



United Kingdom




The Netherlands




The Ukraine






















